International Business- Environments and Operations (GE)15版超便宜
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International Business- Environments and Operations (GE)15版超便宜,總而言之,它的評價很高!
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推薦大家一本商業理財International Business- Environments and Operations (GE)15版超便宜全書的內容大意
主題瘋狂 International Business- Environments and Operations (GE)15版超便宜曾在博客來網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
International Business- Environments and Operations (GE)15版超便宜 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您
International Business- Environments and Operations (GE)15版超便宜 開箱文 博客來網路書店
內容簡介: 博客來網路書局 1.Author-Written Cases: Every chapter begins and ends with an author-written case that either introduces new material or integrates what has already been learned.
2.Anticipate What Will Happen Next: Looking to the Future: Each chapter offers scenarios that are important to managers, companies, or the world. The topic of each Looking to the Future feature alludes to ideas discussed in the chapter in a way that prompts students to engage their imagination about the future of the world.
3.See Both Sides of the Story. Point-Counterpoint: This feature brings the topics of major debates to life in a way students can understand and investigate, highlighting the diversity of perspectives that managers and policy-makers use to make sense of vital issues. The give-and-take between the two sides of the debate link theory and practice in a way that will help spark classroom discussion.
4.Stay on Top of the Globe. Geographic Literacy: This edition includes many maps to add interest and illustrate facts discussed in the text. Many case maps zero in on the case company’s home country or market region to give students a close-up look at foreign locales.
5. Provide the latest information with Current Events: This text includes discussions on topics trending in today’s business world, such as:
?The impact of the March 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami on financial markets, the Japanese yen, the competitive person of Japanese companies like Sony, and the global supply chain.
?The challenges in today’s global financial system, especially the budget crisis of Europe and the United States
International Business- Environments and Operations (GE)15版超便宜 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Daniels
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/04/01
- 語言:英文
International Business- Environments and Operations (GE)15版超便宜 評比 博客來網路書局
International Business- Environments and Operations (GE)15版超便宜
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International Business- Environments and Operations (GE)15版超便宜