
International Management- Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 9-e口碑必買

International Management- Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 9-e口碑必買,總而言之,它的評價很高

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International Management- Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 9-e口碑必買 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: 1.Every Chapter Updated - The authors have thoroughly revised chapter content, and include new data to support relevant examples to reflect the most critical issues in the areas of global sustainability, social media and networking, and cross-cultural practices.

2.New & Updated End of Part Cases - At the end of every main part, the authors have updated or provided new Integrative Cases, Brief Integrative Cases, and In-Depth Integrative Cases. Each case type provides opportunities for reading and analysis of the case outside of class. Review questions are provided, and are intended to facilitate lively and productive written analysis or in-class discussion.

博客來書店3.Coverage of Contemporary Topics - In every chapter the authors use contemporary topics to stress the context and environment of international management. Globalization and International Connectivity are highlighted by the wide impact of social media in Chapter 1; while Cross Cultural Leadership is uniquely conveyed using the GLOBE Study in Chapter 13.

4.Updated Country Spotlights - More than 70 percent of the Country Spotlights have been updated and revised to include new examples and data.

Gallery of Cases - The short within-chapter case illustrations - In the International Spotlight and You Be the International Management Consultant?- can be read and discussed in class.

International Management- Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 9-e口碑必買 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2014/11/07
  • 語言:英文

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International Management- Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 9-e口碑必買

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International Management- Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 9-e口碑必買


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